Cole Watkins, a senior psychology major from Charlotte who plays mellophone in the band, lost 65 pounds after he began a daily routine of running to prepare to march in the 5-and-a-half mile Rose Parade.
“In the parade, endurance is a big factor. I figured I would build up stamina by running,” said Watkins. “ Watkins started off running on a treadmill and then on an indoor track at WCU’s Campus Recreation Center. “I slowly built up and now run a 7-minute mile.”
Today, he runs three or four times a week in addition to band rehearsal and discovered a newfound love for rock climbing, which he practices at WCU’s 50-foot tall indoor climbing wall – the tallest collegiate indoor climbing wall in North Carolina. “My goal is to get to 200 pounds, so I only have 20 more pounds to go.”
Congrats to Cole for his hard work and dedication in getting ready to rock the world on New Year’s Day.
Cole, we are proud to have gained you as our grandson.
Jon and Lucy
I’m so proud of you son! Love always, Mom
We are so proud of you! Love you!
Aunt Jan